During a speech and language appointment they are likely going to ask about your child’s receptive and expressive language. When you are new to the world of speech it can […]
The Founders Story
Kieran and Alice Fitzsimons are the husband and wife duo who founded Pippin! The inspiration behind the app is solely based on their personal experience of having a child with […]
NHS Speech and Language Department: how to self-refer
It is not widely known that you yourself can refer your child to the NHS speech and language department. You do not need to wait for a referral from a […]
What Counts as a Word?
It can be difficult to keep track of all the words your child can say. It can also feel stressful trying to remember on the spot when professionals ask how […]
Speech Delay – Our Experience and What Helped
My son, Leo, has a speech delay – medically known as Alalia, which refers to a delay in the development or use of the mechanisms that produce speech. I picked […]
Can Hearing Problems Cause Speech Delay?
As a parent, it’s natural to compare your toddler’s development with that of other children their age. Especially when it comes to milestones like walking and talking. It’s important to […]