During a speech and language appointment they are likely going to ask about your child’s receptive and expressive language. When you are new to the world of speech it can […]
The Founders Story
Kieran and Alice Fitzsimons are the husband and wife duo who founded Pippin! The inspiration behind the app is solely based on their personal experience of having a child with […]
NHS Speech and Language Department: how to self-refer
It is not widely known that you yourself can refer your child to the NHS speech and language department. You do not need to wait for a referral from a […]
What Counts as a Word?
It can be difficult to keep track of all the words your child can say. It can also feel stressful trying to remember on the spot when professionals ask how […]
Why Your Child’s First Five Years Are So Important for Speech Development
As any parent will know, children grow and develop quickly in their first five years! From physical movement to social skills, this time brings a lot of change for any […]